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Doubt To Certainty


2X International Award Winner For

Best Self-Help Book 2023


A Practical Guide To Finding Confidence & Clarity In Making Complex Decisions

"This book will change lives."

H.J.Chammas - 4X Best-Selling Author

IVIC-Decision Making Framework©

IVIC Decision-Making Framework© is a reliable tool crafted after years of psychological research and experience, and designed to infuse your decision-making journey with clarity, authenticity, and confidence. IVIC is the abbreviation of the four pillars upon which the framework was built.

Which possibility expresses who I am?

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Which possibility is more relevant?

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Which possibility creates the desired impact?

Which possibility is a more affordable


IVIC Decision-Making Framework©
I can:


Coach You

If you are seeking clarity on a specific decision to make, book a 30-minutes conversation and we will efficiently help you find the confidence and clarity you need.


Guide Your Organization

On an organizational level,

IVIC Decision-Making Framework©

is effective in helping executive teams make complex business and culture decisions.


Train You To Coach

If you are a fellow people development professional, I can train you on the frameworks I have designed and officially certify you to use the associated tools and help your clients find clarity and confidence to make the right decisions.


Share The Experience

Whether it is a keynote, a workshop, or a training session, I am passionate about sharing the experience and the findings of my work with a wider audience of clients and fellow people development professionals.

The Authenticity Pyramid©

The key to making the 'right' decision is to master self-awareness.

Visualize the journey of self-awareness as a pyramid—an ascending, hierarchical structure leading to the pinnacle of self-realization. I fondly refer to this as The Authenticity Pyramid©, an original framework

I designed for my clients to boost self-awareness and gain the confidence and clarity they aspire to have.

The Authenticity Pyramid.png

The Authenticity Pyramid©
I can:


Coach You

Whether you need to find clarity on the right career path, rediscover your passion, or set a purpose for your life, you and I will use The Authenticity Pyramid© methods and techniques to restore your identity back to you, along with your confidence and inner peace.


Develop Your People

On an organizational level,

The Authenticity Pyramid©

is effective in helping professionals on all levels elevate their performance and maximize their professional capacity.


Train You To Coach

If you are a fellow people development professional, I can train you on the frameworks I have designed and officially certify you to use the associated tools and help your clients explore and discover their true selves.


Share The Experience

Whether it is a keynote, a workshop, or a training session, I am passionate about sharing the experience and the findings of my work with a wider audience of clients and fellow people development professionals.


A Practical Guide To Finding Confidence & Clarity In Making Complex Decisions

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The 2X international award winner for best self-help book "Doubt To Certainty: A Practical Guide To Finding Confidence & Clarity In Making Complex Decisions" is an inclusive playbook, based on scientific research and real case studies. Introducing IVIC Decision-Making Framework© and The Authenticity Pyramid©, two of my original coaching tools, the book helps the reader explore multiple elements that are critical to making 'right' decisions. The book comes with an Appendix section full of templates, exercises, and step-by-step guides to solve personal and professional decision-making related dilemmas.


Throughout the reading experience, the reader is able to:

- Identify the decision they need to make.

- Define their responsibility.

- Manage their emotions.

- Utilize the suitable decision-making model.

- Create possibilities.

- Decide on the right possibility.

- Execute the decision wisely.

- Manage post-decision thoughts.

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